These courses will teach you a nutrient dense, food first approach to optimizing your health during vital periods of your life such as preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and even first foods for you baby!

Baby Led Weaning Course

You have the opportunity to influence your child's health and relationship with food from the first time you introduce solids!

In this course you will learn how to confidently approach baby led weaning, the current research & benefits with this intentional approach, and practical tips and tools to set you and your baby up for success.

Click HERE to explore the curriculum or purchase the course HERE.

Prenatal Course (coming soon)!

Nourishing your body during pregnancy has the potential to impact your child's health during infancy and for the rest of their lives.

In this course you will learn how to manage common pregnancy symptoms, how to build a balanced plate to support optimal blood sugar, how to choose a prenatal that will actually move the needle, and bust a few myths along the way!

Preconception Course (coming soon)!

Optimizing the health of both mom & dad preconception can profoundly impact not only the health of your baby, but their future baby too.

In this course you will learn how to optimize both sperm & egg health during the preconception period, decreasing your toxic burden, which can negatively impact the development of the baby, and optimize your nutrition to help increase your chances for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and recovery.

I'm Brittany Beaver! I'm a registered dietitian and passionate about all things pregnancy, nutrition, and non-toxic living.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 26 years old and was told I would be on medication for the rest of my life to manage my disease and to let my doctor know when I wanted to start a family and we could discuss safe options. I refused to believe diet and lifestyle played ZERO role in my autoimmune disease like my doctor told me and there started my healing and non-toxic journey.

I started doing my own research and discovered that eating an anti-inflammatory diet like Paleo helped my joints feel better but it was only a piece of the health puzzle. I quickly realized that what I was putting on my skin and my environment also played a huge role in my health. Knowing that everything around you has the potential to heal or hurt can be an overwhelming place to start. I want to help you in your healing journey by learning how to navigate each step along the way and making it feel attainable and less overwhelming.

I am a mom of 2 and even with a Master's Degree in nutrition, I still felt overwhelmed by all the nutrition information out there, especially during pregnancy. Pregnancy is arguably one of the most important times in a couple's lives to optimize nutrition and both have the power to impact your child's health for a lifetime! I was also shocked by the lack of emphasis on preconception and male fertility health. I want to help you navigate your preconception, prenatal, postpartum, and baby led weaning journey to optimize your health for the absolute best outcomes for you and your baby! If you want more one-on-one help navigating your own journey, let's work together!

- Brittany Beaver